March 17, 2025 Women's suffrage - milestones in history17.03.2025Exhibition in the Konz Town Hall until April 2, 2025Read more
March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
06/02/2022 Country awards civil courage prize02.06.2022Every year, the Minister of the Interior and Sport honors people who have acted courageously and with civil courage in extraordinary situations.Read more
06/02/2022 Pre-marketing for new fiber optic connections in Kommlingen, Krettnach and Oberemmel starts02.06.2022More than 1,000 households could benefit from the expansion of high-speed Internet right into the homeRead more
06/02/2022 Property tax - return submission possible from July 202202.06.2022Close relatives may help to submit the declarationRead more
05/30/2022 Brunch at the Saar-Moselle estuary30.05.2022Picnic and brunch concert on July 3rd, 2022 in KonzRead more
05/27/2022 Volunteer reading mentors wanted27.05.2022After the Corona break, the project of the Konzer-Doktor-Bürgerstiftung is to be continued in late summerRead more
05/23/2022 New place at the evangelical church23.05.2022Inauguration as part of the district festival in Konz-KarthausRead more
05/23/2022 Konz: Change of date for the fiber optic info mobile23.05.2022Infomobile from May 31, 2022 on the Saar-Mosel-PlatzRead more
05/20/2022 Last call for the submission of LEADER projects in Moselle francs in the 2014-2022 funding period20.05.2022Funding can be requested until August 1stRead more
05/18/2022 Kick-off event: Village renewal in Temmels18.05.2022Join us - actively for the future!Read more