March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
10/20/2022 Stories are being read aloud again in the city library of Konz20.10.2022Program for Reading Day 2022Read more
10/19/2022 Student family calendar 2023 available now19.10.2022KODO and his friends plant future treesRead more
10/19/2022 Dates for the Martin parades in the VG Konz19.10.2022Colorful lanterns, singing and a rider in a red cloakRead more
10/19/2022 Konz: Maierspark can now be entered after the redesign19.10.2022Mayors and representatives of the city and VG council release areasRead more
10/17/2022 United in diversity - visit to the EU Parliament in Strasbourg17.10.2022Action of the partnership for democracy in the VG Konz in cooperation with the action group "Lifelong Learning"Read more
10/17/2022 Administrative offices closed on Friday17.10.2022On October 21, 2022 our employees will not be availableRead more
10/17/2022 Fiber optic expansion in Konz-Oberemmel is coming17.10.2022The required quotas in Krettnach and Kommlingen were already reached in SeptemberRead more
10/17/2022 Thanksgiving party for volunteer fire brigades in the VG Konz17.10.2022Corona, floods and wildfires have placed a great deal of strain on emergency servicesRead more
10/12/2022 Construction work on the banks of the Saar in Konz: changed traffic management from Monday12.10.2022Diversion from the direction of Filzen-Hamm will be set upRead more