March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
11/30/2022 Waves: Hans Dostert passed in the local council30.11.2022Mayor resigns – new elections next yearRead more
11/28/2022 Project of the state RLP: Interpreters wanted!28.11.2022Online information event on December 1, 2022Read more
11/28/2022 Lively advent calendar in Konz-Karthaus28.11.2022Karthaus is preparing for Christmas together and Christmas Eve with the Kolping Family can take place againRead more
11/25/2022 Refurbishment of the B51 - change in traffic routing25.11.2022It is expected that on November 28, 2022, the traffic routing will be changed for the renovation of the Konz laneRead more
Dominik Schnith11/23/2022 "Is our prosperity running out of "juice"? - Municipal and global perspectives of the energy transition"23.11.2022Next event of the Politische Salon Konz on 27.11. 2022 in the restaurant "Wasserliescher Hof" (Wasserliesch)Read more
11/22/2022 Konz: Weeping willow on the banks of the Saar is felled22.11.2022Why experts recommend the projectRead more
11/18/2022 Construction work on the banks of the Saar: Can the weeping willow be preserved?18.11.2022Expert committee "AG Baum" looks at the situation on siteRead more
Dominik Schnith11/17/2022 Shaping democracy together – join now!17.11.2022Project call of the partnership for democracy in the municipality of KonzRead more
11/16/2022 B 419 - traffic restrictions due to half-way closure between Nittel and Rehlingen16.11.2022From November 21, 2022 until probably December 30, 2022, there will be a half-way closure on the B 419 in the area of two retaining wallsRead more