March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
01/23/2023 LBM: Traffic impairments in Saarstrasse possible on Monday23.01.2023Preparations for the road and cycle path expansion beginRead more
01/19/2023 event Once upon a time... (FULLY BOOKED!)19.01.2023"Storytelling Workshop for Children" in the Konz City Library on February 24, 2023Read more
01/18/2023 Mayor visits Konzer school class in social studies class18.01.2023Joachim Weber answers questions on the topic "How does politics work in the community?"Read more
01/18/2023 Konz: Cable laying in Niedermenniger Strasse18.01.2023Traffic lights regulate traffic during civil engineering worksRead more
01/16/2023 Konz City Library draws record balance for 202216.01.2023More visits and loans than ever beforeRead more
01/12/2023 Microcensus 2023: Over 20,000 households are surveyed12.01.2023State Statistical Office conducts microcensusRead more
01/12/2023 Pre-marketing for fiber optic expansion in Wawern has started12.01.2023Employees of E.ON and Westconnect inform citizens about the offerRead more
01/09/2023 Extended opening hours for the citizens' office in Konz09.01.2023Now also open Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoonsRead more
Dominik Schnith01/09/2023 Project call of the partnership for democracy in the municipality of Konz09.01.2023Shaping democracy together – join now!Read more