March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
05/08/2023 Political Salon Konz - “Who does death belong to?” on May 14th08.05.2023All interested parties are invited to contribute their point of viewRead more
05/04/2023 New Konzer Saarterrassen opened04.05.2023Seating steps increase the quality of stay directly on the SaarRead more
05/04/2023 Event series "Healthy in old age" - exercise-activating walk for seniors"04.05.2023Registrations are now possibleRead more
05/03/2023 Car-free cycling fun on the Saar from Konz to Merzig03.05.2023Saar Pedal on May 21, 2023 starts in Konzer MaiersparkRead more
04/27/2023 Golden badge of honor for firefighters in the VG Konz27.04.2023Award for long-term voluntary commitmentRead more
04/19/2023 Events of the city of Konz in May in the Konz-Karthaus monastery19.04.2023Puppet theater for children and jazz piano concertRead more
04/19/2023 Groundbreaking ceremony for new artificial turf pitch in Wiltingen19.04.2023Tennenplatz gets an update: artificial turf, new lighting and running trackRead more
04/06/2023 Building with wood - Symposium in Konz and Saarburg06.04.2023Event for municipalities, architects, engineers and those interested in timber constructionRead more
04/03/2023 Popular event "Unplugged - Wine & Dine" also in 202303.04.2023Reservations for April 28, 2023 are now possibleRead more