March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
07/12/2023 LBM: Repair work in the Könen Forest12.07.2023Work in the area of the B 51 between the Könen bypass and the exit to WawernRead more
07/11/2023 Climate-adapted plants for the city of Konz11.07.2023Not just green, but colourfulRead more
07/10/2023 Starting signal for the reading and reading summer 2023 in the city library Konz10.07.2023This year we will not only read, but also read aloudRead more
07/07/2023 New leisure facility opened on the banks of the Moselle in Wasserliesch07.07.2023Area at the renatured Albach with barbecue area and areas for a variety of activitiesRead more
06.07.2023 LBM and the city of Konz modernize the traffic junction during the summer holidays06.07.2023New traffic lights, lanes, sidewalks and sewersRead more
05.07.2023 Konzer-Doktor-Bürgerstiftung supports Tafel05.07.2023500 Euro donation for aid organizationRead more
04.07.2023 1. Call for funding for the submission of LEADER projects04.07.2023Funding can be requested until September 15thRead more
06/30/2023 The path to climate neutrality could be faster30.06.2023Network of regional sewage companies makes an urgent appeal to legislators and fundersRead more
06/29/2023 New patrol for downtown Konzer29.06.2023Private company supports employees of the regulatory officeRead more