March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
08/02/2023 Sales representative for Telekom on the road in Konz02.08.2023Customer advisors identify themselves accordinglyRead more
01.08.2023 Senior citizens are now fit for their smartphones!01.08.2023Project of the Konzer Senior Citizens Representative and the Realschule plusRead more
07/27/2023 LBM: Details on the modernization of the traffic junction Konz27.07.2023Start of construction work at the Granastrasse/Schillerstrasse junction on July 31, 2023Read more
07/25/2023 New painting for the monastery of St. Bruno in Konz-Karthaus25.07.2023Refurbishment work on the facade is entering the critical phaseRead more
07/24/2023 Westconnect starts broadband expansion in Wawern24.07.2023After the pre-marketing quota has been reached, expansion can now beginRead more
07/21/2023 Update: Modernization of the traffic junction in Konz21.07.2023The measure in Granastrasse/Schillerstrasse should start in the second week of the holidayRead more
Dominik Schnith07/21/2023 Partnership for Democracy events21.07.2023Trips to Hambach Castle and Paulskirche & Democracy Conference on the ship "Klenge Prënz"Read more
07/20/2023 LBM: Warranty work on the roundabout near Konz-Könen20.07.2023On July 24 and 25, 2023, defects at the B 51/B 419 roundabout near Konz-Könen will be repairedRead more
07/19/2023 Konz Music Festival 2023 with eight varied concerts19.07.2023All information about the concerts and ticketsRead more