March 14, 2025 Two projects for the inner-city development in Konz14.03.2025“Pedestrian Traffic Check” and “Inner City Impulses”Read more
March 13, 2025 Warning drive through Wiltingen for the nationwide warning day13.03.2025Further investments in fire and disaster protectionRead more
February 15, 2024 Cultural program of the city of Konz for the first half of 202415.02.2024Eleven varied events for young and oldRead more
02/14/2024 Registrations for primary schools in the Konz municipality14.02.2024Enrollments of “Kannkinder” for the 2024/2025 school yearRead more
Dominik Schnith02/13/2024 Shaping democracy together – join in now!13.02.2024Project call of the partnership for democracy in the municipality of KonzRead more
02/08/2024 Culture T'arabBach Quartet08.02.2024From Baghdad to Bach on February 24, 2024 - a musical evening that you should not miss.Read more
02/07/2024 New “Verbandsgemeindewerke Konz AöR” takes off07.02.2024Next steps for implementing the energy and heat transitionRead more
02/07/2024 Expansion of Saarstrasse in Konz07.02.2024LBM: Closure required from February 19, 2024Read more
Dominik Schnith02/07/2024 “Healthy in old age” event series 202407.02.2024Lectures and movement workshops in April and MayRead more
02/02/2024 Starting signal for the new Konz AöR municipal utility company02.02.2024Constitutive meeting of the Board of DirectorsRead more
01/24/2024 Changed opening times on crazy days24.01.2024VG administration and citizens' office with special opening hoursRead more